Cinema Review #150: Uncharted (2022)

150 Reviews! I can’t believe it! I wish I had something special planned, but it’s snuck up on me. I will do something big at 200 for sure. And keep an eye out for my final Oscar predictions, based on the nominations, that will be coming soon.

Uncharted is based on the popular video game franchise of the same name. It stars Tom Holland as Nathan Drake and Mark Wahlberg as Victor ‘Sully’ Sullivan. It is directed by Venom and Zombieland director Ruben Fleischer.

I have never played the games before, so I went into this with very little knowledge. All I knew was that in the game the characters are older. I found it to be very solid. Its the kind of film that when I was 12 or 13 I would have really enjoyed and kids that age would definitely like it a lot. I like the locations, particularly Barcelona. And Tom Holland and Marky Mark are as likeable as ever.

I’d recommend Uncharted if you’ve seen the trailer and think you’d enjoy it or have played the games, but otherwise it is competent, but unremarkable and is the kind of movie I will forget most of in a few months. 3 Stars.

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