Top and Bottom 5 Films of the Year So Far: 2020

Well normally at this point in the year I have a few more films to talk about than this year, but with cinemas closed since March and likely to remain closed until at least July, I thought I would go over the films I have seen this year and give my five favourite and five least favourite. The favourite list had more contenders than the least favourite list so far this year which is always nice! Some more Marvel/DC catch ups should be coming up soon, so keep an eye out for those and check out the rankings on my letterboxd.

Top Five

5) Marriage Story (released on Netflix 6th December 2019)- Although this film was actually released last year, I didn’t watch it until this year, so I’m going to count it for the 2020 list. A really well written, well acted film about a marriage coming apart. The characters are so believable and you really don’t pick a side, which makes it all the more compelling. Also, genuinely very emotional.

4) The Lighthouse (released 31st January)- A film I heard so much good about and was really interested to see. It is unlikely anything I’ve seen in a long time and was really worth seeing at the cinema. Robert Pattinson and Willem Defoe were both excellent as is the cinematography. I won’t say anything about the story, but it really is a film which needs to be seen to be believed.

3) Uncut Gems (released on Netflix 31st January)- A Netflix release, although one I was able to see in a cinema, which was great. So many deserved award nominations in this film for best score, best direction for the Safdie Brothers and best actor for Adam Sandler. This film is a thrill ride which at times is so nerve wracking it can be hard to watch but it is really excellent and definitely worth experiencing.

2) 1917 (released 10th January)- Excellent cinematography, strong direction and a really unique way of telling what is a relatively simple story, but a story with lots of interesting twists and turns which keep you engaged from the first scene to the last. An excellent film which I highly recommend.

1) Parasite (released 7th February)- Now this is a slight cheat as I saw it at an advance screening last year and included it in my 2019 list, but it is so good that when I saw it again on general release in the UK, I have to include it again. Quite simply a masterpiece and if you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend checking it out.

Bottom Five 

5) Bombshell (released 17th January)- Normally this wouldn’t be near my bottom five, but partly due to lack of films and lack of really bad films I’ve seen, this really had to make the list. The only other film which was in contention was Greed, but that film whilst flawed was more fun than Bombshell. Bombshell really just felt like a TV movie with a big budget and didn’t really go into enough depth on the issues it was trying to highlight.

4) Bloodshot (released 11th March)- The last film I saw in a cinema, which although it is bad, is not a dislikable film. It feels like a film made in the late 2000s more than one made in 2020, the effects are bad, Vin Diesel is bad, but it still has some charm, which is why although it is not a good movie, I’ve placed it higher than some other films on this list.

3) Birds of Prey (released 7th February)- Take a really annoying character from a bad movie and what do you get… a mess. I’ve seen quite a few people defending Birds of Prey, but whilst it is more competent than Suicide Squad, I found it less fun, despite the comedic tone Birds of Prey is going for. Now thats mainly because I’m laughing at Suicide Squad, where as I’m unable to laugh at or with Birds of Prey. I just found it to be an obnoxious, annoying experience, with pretty much all of the characters being irritating, poorly defined or boring. I really wouldn’t recommend this one.

2) Downhill (released 28th February)- This film follows the idea that when comedies aren’t funny they are really tiresome. Downhill is not funny at all, I laughed a few times, but none were really at jokes the film made, but more just at the film itself. We saw this in an empty cinema which tells you all you need to know and perhaps if cinemas want to re-open with social distancing just have screen after screen of Downhill and people will keep well apart.

1) Cats (released 20th December 2019)- Although it was released last year I saw it this year and what can I say. I’ve written two big reviews about how bad this film is and my view hasn’t changed. It will take a special type of hell to knock this film of the bottom spot by the end of the year. A complete mess, which can’t even be enjoyed on a so bad its good level, its just insufferable.

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