Cinema Review #72: Parasite (2019)

I was fortunate enough to see Parasite as part of Odeon’s Screen Unseen films, which is fortunate as the full UK release date isn’t until the 7 February next year.

Parasite is the latest film from Bong Joon-Ho and concerns a poor Korean family who attempt to fool a rich family into employing them in their house. It has been gathering lots of praise, winning the Palme D’or at Cannes and is currently top of the all time Top 250 on Letterboxd.

Parasite is excellent. I wouldn’t want to say much about the plot, so as not to spoil the anticipation, but it is full of twists and turns, meaning you never know whats going to happen next or how it will end. The characters are all really well defined and interesting, which is partly because the acting is very strong. There is humour and sadness, all of which comes courtesy of the great script.

I highly recommend Parasite and it is a huge shame that the UK release date is so much later than the US and other parts of the world. I wish they were able to sort this out and just release films at a similar time, how hard can it be? If you get the chance to see any early screenings, definitely do, but if not try to avoid reading or hearing anything about the plot, you’ll appreciate it when you see it. 5 Stars.

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