Top and Bottom 5 Films of the Year So Far: 2019

We’re half way through the year and as a result its time to take stock and look back on the best and worst of the year so far. These are all films I saw in UK cinemas in 2019, so some may have been released earlier elsewhere. Full reviews for all of these films can be found on the website. Will things have changed by the end of the year? I guess we’ll have to wait and see…

Top Five

5). Diego Maradona (released 14th June)- It was very hard to narrow it down to five and there were plenty of contenders fighting it out to get on this list. The likes of John Wick 3, Captain Marvel and Wild Rose were all potential contenders. Diego Maradona earns its place here for being the best cinematic experience I had this year as the surround sound during the football footage was excellent and made you feel every kick of the ball.

4). Us (released 22nd March)- I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this film. Before seeing it I hadn’t seen Get Out (Jordan Peele’s previous film), but now having seen both I can understand why he is so well regarded. Us is not as good as Get Out in my opinion, but it is still really enjoyable, very tense, but is also really funny, one scene in particular made me laugh probably more than anything else this year, so I would highly recommend it.

3). Rocketman (released 22nd May)- Another film I was surprised at how much I enjoyed. Not being a massive Elton John fan, I wondered if I would enjoy it, but I was proven wrong. Rocketman is a really inventive musical, which is just a lot of fun with an excellent central performance by Taron Egerton. Really enjoyable.

2). Spiderman: Far From Home (released 2nd July)- Having this one in here is cheating a little as my list usually just covers January to June, but I enjoyed this one so much that I had to include it. Another great entry to the MCU and up there with the very best Spiderman films.

1). Avengers: Endgame (released 25th April)- This could hardly be a surprise and if I had to predict what would have topped this list at the beginning of the year, this would’ve been my answer. Not as good an individual film as Infinity War, but an excellent conclusion to the story and a really enjoyable film.

Bottom Five

5). X-Men: Dark Phoenix (released 5th June)- This would receive the award for biggest disappointment of the year as it could have been so much better, but in the end felt like a film no one really wanted. A very limp end to the current X-Men saga, with strange character decisions, bad dialogue and poor action. Very disappointing.

4). Godzilla: King of the Monsters (released 29th May)- Better than Godzilla (2014), but still an extremely dull watch. It feels a lot longer than it is and nearly put me to sleep at times, with the incessant noise and boring characters. And worst of all not nearly enough Charles Dance!

3). Men in Black: International (released 14th June)- So forgettable that there’s nothing to be annoyed about. Not a single memorable scene in it, so very little to criticise. Judging by the empty cinema I was in when I saw it, I doubt we’ll be seeing anymore of this rebooted Men in Black.

2). Cold Pursuit (released 22nd February)- Will always be known as the film for which Liam Neeson said that in an interview, but that will be all. The film itself is a complete mess, trying to be both a black comedy and an action/revenge film, but completely failing at both. A load of rubbish.

1). Mary, Queen of Scots (18th January)- Easily the worst thing I saw this year. I have talked ad nauseam about why I hate this film, so check out my review to read more, but the long and short of it is that it fails to be both entertaining or realistic/informative, the key things you need to make an enjoyable biopic (and preferably both!). The worst thing about it is that I know some people have defended it, when I thought it was tedious and as a consequence my least favourite viewing experience of the year.

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