Cinema Review #5: Deadpool 2 (2018)

Deadpool 2 is the much anticipated sequel to the 2016 hit film. It follows the further adventures of Deadpool/Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds), a foul-mouthed, fourth-wall breaking, immortal, who in this installment faces off against Cable (Josh Brolin) along with the newly formed X-Force to protect a young mutant boy.

Those who enjoyed the first film will not be disappointed, it features all the same in-jokes, violence and sense of humour. The introduction of new supporting characters complements the already existing characters in a fun and interesting way. For me there’s plenty to enjoy for both fans and non-fans alike.

One thing that’s struck me about this film is the critical reception. Now before I make this criticism I should say I have nothing but respect for the craft of the film critic and this is in no way a slant on all existing critics. However, with regards to this film, I feel there has been a certain degree of snobbery. So often I have heard ‘well, the fans will like it’, the implication there being, ‘Yes the fans will enjoy it but they’re a bit stupid aren’t they, us film buffs know really that it’s beneath us’. I had a particular problem with Simran Hans’ review for The Observer, which not only gave away a large plot point, but seemed to hinge on the idea that humour is subjective and she personally didn’t find it funny. Well, great review work, anyone could tell you that. Perhaps next time give the review to someone who can appreciate the film, as that ‘A FILM’ and not go into it pre-disposed to hate it and sneer at it (If that’s what you want try Mark Kermode’s BBC Radio review instead!).

The film itself is a fun two hours and has some funny gags and good action to enjoy. Stick around for the after credits scene, it’s well worth it. Spoiler alert, if you didn’t like the first one, you probably won’t enjoy this one, but I enjoyed and it seems plenty of other people did too. 4 Stars.

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